Hey Everyone,
Welcome back to Minecraft Snapshots! It has been a while since we have had these, but Mojang have released 12w49a.
The change log in this weeks snapshot.
Fireworks have been added into the game! They are also fairly simple to craft as well. First you get some gunpowder and some dye, and that will craft this:
And that will create the color for your firework. Then you get some gunpowder, the firework charger, and stack them in a crafting table like this:
That will create your firework. You can place them on the ground, or even in a dispenser. They look like this when they are launched
People can do some amazing things with redstone, I think the same thing will go for the firework; people will create amazing shows and upload them to YouTube. Already I have been seeing some amazing things on Twitter. Take a look at this screenshot by RookieMC97!
There is also now Baby Villagers!